Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Spring Is Here.

I've been counting down the days to Spring. I have had some serious issues with the cold weather and been yearning for the warm sun! Spring is so fun in Florida because...it's pretty much Summer. My friends and I have big plans to spend most of the warm days at the beach. I think this is our last week of cooler weather. Yay for Spring & Summer!

There's another reason I love Spring. This is a reason my friends tolerate and love me anyway. I love Spring cleaning. I do. I love cleaning stuff out, making new plans for the house and beautifying the yard. I have zero energy to do it during the winter, but once Spring rolls around I'm ready to put some gloves on and get to work. Luckily, my sweet daughter loves helping around the house and being outside. She pulls weeds better than any other person I know. She usually tries to pull all the other plants up with the weeds, but we're learning. We've already made our list and planned out our budget. Someone is a little too excited for home depot trips and adventures to the antique stores...any other HGTV/DIY nerds out there with me?

Spring also means spending a lot of time outside. Weslyn has such a great time outside, so I hope to be outdoors everyday, all day. The other day we spent the afternoon with my sweet friend, Heather and Weslyn's friend, Izzie. These two have almost as much fun together as their moms:)

Both of them love to be outside!

I think they're agreeing to be BFF. "Let's shake on it."

Oh, trying to get two toddlers to sit down and look at a camera is almost impossible. Okay, it is impossible. 

Alright warm weather, get here quick!

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