Saturday, February 20, 2010

Muffin Tops

I do not recommend using the lowest rack in the oven to bake muffins on unless you prefer muffin tops as opposed to actual whole muffins. Turns out that the bottom oven coil is too close and will quickly burn any part of the muffin that is touching the muffin pan. Thus only the tops are edible.

(my muffins sans their tops)

On the plus side, muffin tops are DE-LICIOUS!!

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Valentine's Day

Lawton and I celebrated Valentine's Day by driving back from Land O' Lakes. We went to a couples baby shower yesterday for my good friends Jessica and Robert. Lawton was wary at first, but it turned out to be really fun! It was a big barbque at a local park with a lot of old friends from high school.

Tonight we had a delicious dinner thanks to my momma; her specialty, yakimondu (Korean dumplings). Lawton brought me home some tulips and peanut M&Ms. He surely knows the way to my heart.

Kobe has two wonderful Valentines in his life. Here is Reagan Rill. The two of them spent some time together this weekend in Tampa.

This is Sadie Robinson, Kobe's Tallahassee babe.

Make sure you don't tell them about each other. It's not cheating if you're in different area codes. Happy Valentine's Day!

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Bad Dog

Kobe is quite the model citizen for a 6 month old puppy. He knows and responds well to commands (sit, lay down, stay), doesn't walk through open doors without permission, and is great on walks on and off the leash. But yesterday afternoon he reminded me that he's still very much a puppy.

Apparently it's great fun to tear through the trash while no one is watching; but it will earn you some hard time in the slammer.

Friday, February 5, 2010


Dean (our pastor at The Well) is going through a sermon series called "neutered." He's focusing on how Jesus is improperly viewed by so many (as a Santa Claus, good luck charm, smart guy who just taught some good lessons, etc.). Here is the graphic for the series:

"Neutered" is also what happened to Kobe today. I dropped him off at the Vet this morning and I picked him back up this afternoon. They said everything went well. He seems a little fatigued but is doing alright. Apparently we're not suppose to let him run or jump for the next few days; that's probably not going to happen, but he is resting quietly for the moment.

Wednesday, February 3, 2010


This is Kobe's favorite toy; a gift from Joe, Julianne, and Regan Rill. He squeaks.

He also bears a striking resemblance to one famous Pixar character.

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

3L - itis

This is a screenshot of my laptop screen during class this morning.

Not to worry, notice the notes in the background.

Monday, February 1, 2010

Puppy Training

As part of our Christmas gift from Lynn and Matt we received a private training session for our puppy, Kobe. The trainer came to our house and offered a variety of new techniques for training Kobe. I think with most of her clients she shows up and disciplines the dog, but during our session Kobe slept almost the whole time. Here are a few of her helpful tips:

No dogs on the furniture:

No more picking up shoes and socks:

 No taking items off the table:

Say commands like "sit" only once:

We eat before Kobe eats, even if it's a small cracker:

No more picking Kobe up like a baby:

No more licking, what we like to call "kisses":

We agreed and decided to start enforcing them...

...except for the last two. Seriously. Lawton will continue to cradle him like a baby. And no more kisses? Come on what's life without some good Kobe kisses?