Friday, June 28, 2013


Weslyn has certainly developed quite the personality since turning 1 year old. Now at 22 months, she is talking all the time, vocalizing some strong opinions and learning from everything and everyone around her. I've slowly noticed how much she wants to be like me. She wants to wear lotion, put hairspray in her hair, wear high heels (which I own but no longer really wear), put on my pearls, wear my scarves, etc. Anything I do and anything I own, she wants to do it and wants to have it. This behavior has been adorable and flattering. Lawton and I get such a kick out of her playing dress up and wanting to be involved in all things mommy and daddy. It hit me recently though that with this cute behavior comes some huge responsibility on our part, especially mine. As the mother of a daughter, she is watching my every move and wants to model after it. That my friends is a whole lot of pressure.

Our children are impressionable. Extremely impressionable. They are like sponges and whatever is put in front of them, they are soaking up. They are building their character, self-image and values in life. They are forming opinions about the world, themselves, people and God. The words that comes out of our mouths and the things we do are being watched all the time. This is definitely not a call to perfection, but a call to intention. Are we being intentional about what we present to our children or any children around us? We are trying to make this world a "better place" right now, but are we really looking to make our world better if we aren't looking at the children and our own behavior? Whew, that's a lot to take in as a mom who is with a child all day long.

My prayer is not only for my child, but for all the kids I serve and I'm around that I can make a lasting impression on them that helps shape and mold them to be a loving person. A person who loves God and people. All people. I only know one way to do this, to strive to live out the gospel everyday. The perfect example, the person who made the best impression on everyone lived and died for love. The love He had for us. Before He made that sacrifice, He lived out the example in perfect form. He knew we were impressionable creatures, especially our children. Jesus said, “Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.” In other words, kids go to Jesus when figuring out who you want to be. Parents, point to Jesus when your children are trying to figure out their lives. Christians, follow Jesus and strive to be like Him. If this is your intention, you're making the best impression for the little lives around you who are our world's future. Your intention is love.

Like I said, it's been fun to watch Weslyn develop and grow into her personality. She's a firecracker for sure.  Loves to tumble around, play dress up, put stickers on everything and is such a little helper. As she develops and grows, she's  looking at everything and everyone around her to figure out who she wants to be and what she wants to do. Help me Lord to point to You. If I point the Him, I know I'm pointing to love. 

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