Sunday, July 17, 2011


The last few months have flown by. We've moved into the new house, started renovations, and pretty much finished the nursery. Once we know the gender we'll decorate the walls of baby Graves' room a little more. Here are a few photos of the nursery so far:
Glider was a gift from Grandma and Grandpa.

Curtains made by Gigi.

The crib was passed down to us from cousin Chesson. Crib skirt made by Gigi.

 The Winnie the Pooh characters were mine but now I'm passing them down to baby Graves. The photo on the second shelf is Lawton when he was a little one. :)

Gift from Corbin & Byerly. My favorite part of the whole room:)


Byerly said...

Welcome back to the land of the blogging. You have been missed!!! Love the nursery!

Krissie Inserra said...

What a great nursery! I absolutely love it! And I'm waiting with great anticipation to learn whether Baby Graves will be a he or a she and to meet him or her! Miss you guys lots :)