Monday, August 18, 2014

Summer with the Sylvias.

This summer has flown by. I'm still in denial that we're less than a month away from September. Don't get me wrong, I LOVE the fall. I really do. I love everything about fall. The football, the weather, the cute kids clothes, the coffee, the holidays and tall boots. You get it, I love fall. I've never been a huge fan of summer time. It's hot, I don't have a pool and recently I've just been pregnant a lot in the summer. But this summer has been different. It's been so enjoyable and I'm sad to see it end.

Nearly every other day this summer has been spent with my sweet friend, Heather and her two kids, Isabel and Isaac. Izzie and Weslyn are 6 months apart in age and Isaac and Sidney are only 1 month apart. Heather is an amazing teacher and has summers off, so I was extremely excited when she and her family joined the Y with us. The girls took swim lessons, the babies played in the kidzone and the moms got some amazing one-on-one time. I mean, chick-flick, sleep over, chocolate eating one-on-one time. It was truly glorious.

Now it's back to reality. Boo hoo. Thankfully, God gave Heather and me a few days of slumber parties before she had to go back to school. Our husbands were both out of town for work on the same days. Thank you Jesus for those precious days. They were so fun and we'll forever treasure them!

In true mom form, we didn't take one picture of us. Here's the one that started off the summer--
Isaac & Sidney's baby dedication. 

Here's to a great school year and an ever better summer in 2015!

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