Today I felt the urge to post about my experience so far with baby #2. Fortunately, I only had the typical 1st trimester sickness that most women get. Since then, I've felt fine. Most days I forget I'm pregnant until the end of the day when my back is aching. I've been able to keep up with most activities and I can still carry Weslyn around on my hip. Overall, I feel really great and blessed to be pregnant with our second child. Everything is as healthy as can be and the pregnancy is going by very quickly! Of course I don't take nearly as many "belly" photos as I did with my first, for two reasons. 1. I forget how many weeks along I am...all the time. So I end up not even taking pictures. 2. I don't have the overwhelming desire as I did w/ my first pregnancy to document every time my belly grew. Mostly because this time around I get a lot of "are you due soon?" to which I reply, "no, I have the WHOLE summer to go." I feel the immediate urge to tell people it's my 2nd pregnancy and yes I do exercise. ha! Isn't it funny how people talk to pregnant women? I've never experienced so many people needing to give me advice or assume my due date just by looking at my belly. It's funny how many experts are out there...who have never been pregnant and are not obgyns:)
This is my post to pregnant ladies. The ones who get really rude comments and advice from all kinds of people. Let me tell you, ladies, ignore these comments and put on your best smile. Don't give them another moment of your energy and don't explain yourself. You are carrying life inside of you!Whether you are working full time or taking care of your 1, 2 or 3+ children, you really don't have time or energy to put into caring about all the comments or advice. So be proud of yourself every day that you get up and carry on throughout your day without having a hormonal breakdown . Be proud of yourself when you get out of bed to take care of your children while carrying a bowling ball in your stomach. Be proud of yourself every time you refrain from punching someone in the face for the ridiculous things that come out of their mouth. Most of all, be proud of how God is using you to carry the little life inside of you. The comments and advice are only distractions from what you need to be focusing on, providing safety and good health to that little life. Don't get caught up in your insecurities. You. Are. Pregnant. You can't really trust your emotions right now. Relax and enjoy this time in your life. You won't always be in the season when you're constantly pregnant. One day your children will be grown, graduating high school, getting married, having children of their own. Treasure this time when it's appropriate to give your children your undivided attention. One day it won't be necessary or wanted:) Ignore the distractions and focus on that little life you hold and the little lives in your home.
I'm going to start treasuring this time I have with baby #2. I've learned that time flies way too fast. Before you know it that bowling ball turns into a walking, talking toddler. Proof below.
38 weeks pregnant with Weslyn. Bowling ball. |
Newborn Weslyn. |
Walking, talking toddler, Weslyn. Goes by too fast.
So here's to being 23 1/2 weeks pregnant and looking like I could pop at any moment!
23 1/2 weeks pregnant w/ baby #2. |
1 comment:
My sissy is SO BEAUTIFUL!!!!!
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