Thursday, May 14, 2015

Little Girls.

It's so funny to me that God gave me two little girls. I never thought I would be a great mom of girls. I wasn't sure what I would do with a girl. I'm not particularly girly and I don't know have a lot of style. Whoops. However, these girls do not need my help. They have their own personalities and will not be limited to cliches or stereotypes...but they really do love pink tutus and I must admit, I think it's so cute. Gah. Lawton is in so much trouble if baby #3 is a girl!

They're really starting to develop their own little relationship too. They miss each other when they're apart and they're even starting to fight like sisters. I'm now able to sit back for a few moments and just be a spectator while they interact. It's such a treasure to watch them play and teach each other, even in the tough moments!

Thursday, February 5, 2015

Thanksgiving and Christmas 2014 in Pictures

It's February and I'm just now putting these up. Slacker, right? Well, we really had a fun holiday season. We traveled to Raleigh and Greensboro, NC for Thanksgiving and had the best time. So fun to see  Lawton's family and for cousins to play, big cousins and little cousins :) HUGE thank you to the Edmistons for hosting everyone!

Christmas was such a sweet time. Sidney was in full toddler mode, tearing through gifts and having fun with the paper. All Weslyn wanted was a robe. Yes, a bath robe. She couldn't believe her eyes when she opened a gift my sister got her, a pink and orange bath robe. I'm trying to appreciate these days where she's easy to  please. Before we know she'll be asking for a cell phone...and the answer will probably be no.

Here was our holiday season in pictures!