While all this change was occurring I've realized I will never understand the depths of how blessed I am with the family in this house. I'm constantly doing things now that have everything to do with my family. Cleaning, cooking, feeding, burping, etc. In all the chaos of my new busy life God has grabbed my heart many times to remind me that He has blessed me abundantly with this beautiful family. A husband who gets up every morning with the baby, starts laundry, unloads the dishwasher and picks up around the house so I can sleep in an extra 20 min. A baby who thinks I'm the funniest momma in the world and makes my heart melt with each smile and laugh. A puppy who is so gentle with children and loves to be close to us. God stops me in the middle of my stressful and overwhelming day to remind me...this is the life, enjoy it. Everyday I try to be thankful for this time in my life and see there is a purpose for God putting me here.
A sweet friend of mine who is the mother of 4 children once told me, "Sarah, these years where your children are small go by quickly. New opportunities will always be out there, but your children won't always be at the age where all they want is you. You have a small window to invest and enjoy them to the fullest." I'm realizing how right she is. Lord willing, I will have the rest of my life to be out in the hustle and bustle of this busy world to be "involved." Right now I'm okay with spending most days in the chaos of my own home. Our homes are mission fields too. They are the place where we set examples for the children God has trusted us with. The everyday occurrences are pictures our children will remember as their childhood. It's my heart's desire to turn the chaos into teachable moments and find joy in them. To lead my children in a loving relationship with our Savior. It's my mission to be "involved" as much as I can at home and enjoy the blessings of this family. It's hard some days, but to quote my favorite movie (A League of Their Own-best movie of all time) "If it wasn't hard, everyone would do it. It's the hard that makes it great."